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FAQs about Worship

How long does the service last?

Worship lasts about one hour and following worship you are invited to stay for an informal Coffee & Conversation in front of the sanctuary (often outside). 


Where do I sit?

Anywhere you like.


What should I wear?

You get to choose – formal or informal. The Pastor and worship leaders do not wear robes.   


Will I be asked to stand up and introduce myself?

No! There are visitor cards and greeters available if you are moved by worship and want to find our more about FCC Burbank


Do I have to pay any money?

No. There is a QR code to direct you to online giving and a donations basket if you choose to financially support FCC Burbank, but it is not required.


What does “All are Welcome” mean to FCC Burbank?

FCC Burbank is an Open and Affirming congregation seeking to practice God’s radical hospitality. This means that we fully welcome person all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions into our life and ministry. This welcome is extended to all ethnicities, ages, abilities, and economic statuses.


What about communion?

We have communion every week.  ALL are welcome to take communion at the Lord’s table, and God welcomes everyone.  We invite you to take an all-in-one communion cup, available near the sanctuary entrances. We will eat and drink together.  


What about accessibility?

The front entrances, sanctuary, upper fellowship hall, and bathrooms are all accessible for people with disabilities.


What about children?

Children and youth begin the morning in classes and come into worship toward the end for communion and announcements.  Nursery care is also available.

Music Director, Zach Harris sits down with Britt Kusserow for a conversation about sacred music, inclusion, and FCCB’s music program.


Sunday 10:15 AM

A contemporary service with contemplative & uplifting affirmative music.




(818) 845-7459

221 South Sixth Street

Burbank, CA 91501



All ethnicities. All ages. All sexual orientations. All gender identities.

All abilities. All economic statuses.



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© 2024 by First Christian Church of Burbank

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