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Community Focused & Family Ministries

FCC Burbank has a myriad of ways to connect with other people and the mystery we call God.

Below is a snapshot of our ongoing ministries and ways to get involved.

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Virtual Study Group

Each Wednesday at 7:00pm, we gather online for our study group. We periodically change topics of discussion ranging from misquoted Bible passages to racial inequality to politics and more!


Contact the office for the Zoom info.


We are continuing our study of Luke!

Next Readings: Luke 5 and 6 (possibly 7)


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Homemade Thursdays

Each Thursday, a group of volunteers gather to prepare hot meals to deliver to LA/Burbank homeless. If you'd like to volunteer, there are opportunities to prepare the food in the FCCB kitchen at 11:30am or you can help distribute the meals and hygiene items at 1:00pm. If you'd like to support in other ways, please consider purchasing items from their wish list. You can view it here.




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Weekly Reflection

Each Thursday afternoon at 5:00pm, a group of individuals meet online to check-in, discuss things that are going on, and connect with each other.


Contact the office for the Zoom info. 














BTAC Lunch Pack

The first Saturday of every month (at 9 am) a dedicated group of volunteers from FCC Burbank and Saegil Christian church pack sack lunches for the Burbank Temporary Aid Center.


Please click HERE if you'd like to register to volunteer or purchase items.





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Project Mercy

Twice a year (spring and fall) a group of volunteers drives down to Tijuana to support a family by building a house in one day. All skill levels welcome!




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Holistic Hikers

On the third Saturday of the month (Fall-Spring), people of all abilities meet at the church and drive over to a different park/trail each month. These are generally easy or beginner level hikes and all are welcome to take in the wonders of nature.






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Home Again L.A.
Formerly Family Promise

Home Again LA is national program that seeks to empower homeless families by providing support, encouragement, and wrap around services. While in the program host churches open their doors to provide housing evening meals and housing for a week.

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Queer Fellowship Club

FCCB’s Queer Fellowship Club meets on the second Sunday of every month, after worship, to eat together, celebrate community and explore topics relevant to the intersection of our queer identities, our faith, and our sense of self in the world.   






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